Exhibition realized in cooperation with Eyelevel Gallery, September 2012.

The World Portable Gallery Convention 2012 was an international convention on portable galleries and alternative spaces hosted by Eyelevel Gallery during the month of September 2012.
Against the backdrop of the construction of a massive $164-million convention centre in downtown Halifax—and therefore a huge emphasis on the economic potentials of convening and networking—the project celebrated the variety of spaces artists and others have initiated with the smallest of means.
Investigations were thereby conducted into topics including scale, autonomy, mobility, intimacy, as well as transitions from alternative to established, and the pathways between DIY and entrepreneur.

For a PDF of the book (size: 80 mb) documenting the project, click here
Smaller-size excerpts:
Radical Napkin Theology
For more details on the project, click here
For a specially-edited issue of CTRL+P online journal, click here

Installation view, from left to right: Museum of Mental Objects (Judy Freya Q. Sibayan); Nasubi Gallery (Ozawa Tsuyoshi) showing Ken Lum; background: Gallery Deluxe Gallery (Paul Hammond and Francesca Tallone) showing Chris Foster; foreground: Reduce Art Flights (Gustav Metzger).

DIY MoMO Guidelines for the Museum of Mental Objects.

Nasubi Gallery showing Ken Lum.

Gallery Deluxe Gallery showing Chris Foster’s Convoy.

RAF campaign making appearances across the city.

Installation view, from left to right: Coat of Charms (Hannah Jickling) showing F* Mountain; Nanomuseum (Hans Ulrich Obrist) showing the shop (Vitamin Creative Space) presented by Matt Hope.

Out on the town: Coat of Charms showing F* Mountain’s Observer of Beautiful Forms; Nanomuseum making an appearance on morning TV.

Alopecia Gallery (Gordon B. Isenor) showing Duke and Battersby’s Heroin Song.

Installation view: Feral Trade Café (Kate Rich)

Velcro Gallery (Craig Leonard with Beck Osbourne) showing Open Call.

P.R. Rankin Gallery (Elizabeth Johnson and Michael McCormack) collected after-hours phone messages.

Michael McCormack introducing the panel “Expose Your Self.”

MediaPackBoard (Valerie LeBlanc and Daniel Dugas) on a tour around the Nova Centre construction site.

Site of the Nova Centre, circa September 2012.